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What to Know Before Delivering a Baby Ob Rotation

Giving nativity can be both exciting and terrifying for commencement-time moms. Just as the rest of your pregnancy has differed from others', your nativity experience will be unique to you and your babe. As you retrieve nigh the big day when y'all'll finally run across your footling one, y'all probably accept questions about what to expect!

Here are some of the about mutual questions I've been asked almost giving birth for the kickoff time.

Getting Ready for Babe

How of import are birthing classes?

Prenatal classes or birthing classes tin can aid you empathise what to look during your labor and delivery. Y'all'll learn near creating a birth plan, common things that happen in a hospital, and how to manage hurting. At Madison Women's Health, we refer our patients to Unity Point Meriter for prenatal classes. You tin begin taking prenatal classes at the get-go of your second trimester. We recommend completing them before your 37th week of pregnancy.

Prenatal classes tin can be online or in person. Check with the hospital to see what they currently offer. Prenatal classes typically include a birth eye bout. At that place are classes for singletons and multiples. They are helpful in understanding various things that can happen in labor and delivery that are non common things you run into on TV (like ways to monitor your baby's middle rate and the use of forceps or a vacuum if needed to safely deliver your infant).

Tip: Prenatal classes volition assistance you call back of questions you lot may want to inquire your OB during your prenatal check-ups. Proceed a list! Classes are a good supplement to your ten-fifteen infinitesimal prenatal visits.

Who can exist with me at the birth?

Before the COVID-nineteen pandemic, there were no restrictions on how many people could be with yous during the nascency. During any Public Health Emergency, guidelines may modify. It'southward e'er a good idea to verify how many people tin can be there with y'all.

At the time this article was written, Meriter immune one support person (in addition to a doula) to be with y'all. This person can exist anyone — your partner, a friend, or a relative. Choose someone who will be supportive and encouraging. Currently, your back up person must exist the aforementioned person throughout the birthing feel. In other words, your support person cannot be your spouse for a few hours, so your mother, and then your sister.

Tip: A doula is considered part of the medical squad and is therefore allowed to be involved in your intendance during the pandemic.

What is the difference between a midwife and a doula?

Midwives have been trained in obstetric procedures. They tin can interpret fetal monitoring, make recommendations on labor management, and recommend a C-section if information technology is needed.

Doulas have been trained in the emotional, psychological, and concrete support of moms throughout pregnancy, commitment. and postpartum. They accept not been medically trained, simply their attending and focus on the mom has been shown to improve birth outcomes. Women who use a doula are more than probable to have a delivery without pain medications and their labors tend to be shorter.

Tip: A doula does non make medical recommendations or replace your midwife or doctor, but rather they offer extra services and individualized prenatal and labor support

What will the labor and commitment room or birthing room wait like?

Our patients deliver their babies at Meriter Infirmary, which has large birthing rooms. You lot'll appreciate having more infinite to walk around in early labor or sit on a birthing ball. You'll be able to control the temperature and dim the lighting. Your room will have a burrow, perfect for your support person to nap on if needed.

Tip: Meriter's nativity rooms likewise include a comfortable tub. While nosotros don't offer water births (in accordance with ACOG recommendations), h2o immersion during labor tin can help with relaxation and easing labor pain.

What should I pack in my hospital bag?

If y'all have to drop what y'all're doing and immediately get to the hospital, they will have all the essentials. I ordinarily tell patients, yet, that it's a proficient thought to have a bag ready to go effectually 36 weeks. In that location are things yous will want to help make your stay more comfy.

Here are some ideas for your hospital handbag:

    • Toiletries: Shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, hair castor, deodorant. While we have these things at the infirmary, you lot'll probably prefer your ain.
    • Comfy dress for you.
      • Slippers, socks, or flip-flops.
      • Robe and/or nightgown. If you plan to breastfeed, cull a nightgown that opens in the front (although the infirmary ones are bang-up for this!)
      • Clothes to wearable home. Comfy motherhood apparel are usually your best bet. Include a nursing bra if you program on breastfeeding.
    • Going dwelling house outfit for your baby. Your baby will be swaddled and diapered during the hospital stay, simply near parents desire a photo-worthy outfit for the big trip habitation.50
    • Snacks for your partner / your support person. The hospital has a deli (open up during the day) and vending machines, but your partner may want to consider annihilation special they want. Sometimes light snacks are okay in early on labor, merely we recommend against eating in active labor for condom reasons (and yous usually won't experience similar information technology!).
  • Telephone charger. Family unit and friends will want frequent updates and yous will fill up upwards your camera gyre quickly.

It's Fourth dimension!

At what point do I need to go to the hospital? How long should I labor at home?

Nearly women can spend time in early labor at dwelling. Nosotros recommend calling if you have painful contractions every five minutes for 1-2 hours to keep us in the loop. Call sooner if your doctor has given you lot more specific instructions due to medical conditions.  If y'all have had a more complicated pregnancy or if y'all alive far from the hospital, you lot may be asked to come up in sooner. If you call up your h2o has broken, we recommend calling to discuss the best fourth dimension to come in, which is normally early on for safety reasons.

Tip: Everyone has a different pain threshold. A proficient measure of "painful contractions" means you lot demand to stop and breathe through them without focusing on anything else.

How long is labor for get-go-time moms?

There are three stages of labor and how long each lasts is very unpredictable for beginning-time moms. The whole result can concluding hours or days. Your first labor will exist the most unpredictable, while second labors are mostly faster.

What are the stages of labor?

Stage 1a: Latent Labor

Contractions during early labor will experience balmy, similar deep menstrual cramps, and will be irregular. Early labor helps soften, shorten, and thin your cervix. Information technology can starting time a few days or a few hours before birth.

Stage 1b: Active Labor

During active labor, your contractions get more frequent, regular, and painful. You are considered to be in agile labor when your neck has dilated to 6 cm. The rate of cervical alter is more consequent and predictable from this point to "complete" dilation (10 cm). Your physician will check your cervix to allow you lot know when information technology's ok to begin pushing. If y'all push too soon, before your cervix has fully dilated, you are at take chances of tearing your cervix and having pregnant bleeding.

Phase 2: Pushing Stage / Nascency

The second phase is the pushing stage. This stage can concluding a few minutes or many hours (up to 4 or more if the baby is making progress through the birth canal).

You may think, "how volition I know when to push?" If you don't have an epidural during labor, the urge to push is ofttimes very strong. If you accept an epidural, you may non notice the urge to push in the aforementioned manner. We will assistance yous know how and when to push with your contractions.

Stage iii: Placenta Delivery

The placenta more often than not delivers inside 30 minutes of giving nascency. We sometimes massage your uterus to help with this (although nosotros say massage, this can be uncomfortable). We strongly recommend every adult female receive oxytocin too. These steps are important to subtract the run a risk of excess bleeding following delivery.

Giving birth: Labor tips for first-time moms

What should my partner do during labor?

Talk nigh this with your support person ahead of fourth dimension so expectations are clear. Some women prefer their partner help with coping with labor hurting. Others adopt a more than hands off approach. Talk together ahead of time to decide what you lot are comfortable with.

Tip: Your support person tin exist supportive in many ways. This can exist giving y'all sips of water and water ice fries, holding your hand, being responsible for music, rubbing your dorsum, etc. Do what works best for both of you.

Tin can I eat and drink while I'k in labor?

If y'all are undergoing an induction or are at the infirmary in early labor, sometimes lite snacks are reasonable. A lot of women get nauseous and throw up in labor and are at risk for aspiration, a serious complication. We therefore recommend against eating in active labor.  If in that location's a possibility of needing a C-section, it is safest to accept not had food recently. Most women are non hungry anyhow! Water, clear juice, and ice chips are satisfying.

Tip: If you take an I/Five, you will be properly hydrated. If your lips become dry from your breathing exercises, ask for some chapstick.

Pain Management

What does giving birth experience like?

Labor hurting feels different for everyone, only some full general principles include:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions — These are mutual, even as early equally the 2d trimester. You'll experience your uterus gradually tighten and get soft. This is not painful.
  • Early labor — Contractions can feel like strong menstrual cramps lasting 30 to 60 seconds (like a charley Horse in your uterus). Some women feel these contractions in their back.
  • Active labor — These are cramps that can't exist described by words.  You may feel intense pelvic pressure as you "transition" to ten cm and your baby descends into the birth culvert.
  • Pushing stage — Along with the muscle pain of contractions, you volition feel stretching and pressure in your vagina.

What are my options to care for labor pain?

Non-Pharmacologic Hurting Command:

  • Irresolute positions: You may feel meliorate continuing upwardly, resting on your hands and knees, or sitting on a birthing ball. Your body will tell you what is working!
  • Taking a warm shower or bathroom: The warm water can relax tense muscles. H2o immersion has been shown to lower pain scores.
  • Massage: Your support person, nurse, or doula tin massage your back and provide counter pressure during contractions
  • Animate techniques: You'll acquire animate techniques during your prenatal classes. Staying relaxed and calm helps with hurting control.

Pharmacologic Pain Command:

  • I/V Narcotic: Some women have good pain relief with an IV or subcutaneous injection of a narcotic medication. Nosotros don't recommend this selection if we suspect you will deliver within an hour. This is to let the medication articulate from you and your infant's organisation before delivery. .
  • Epidural: Yous tin request an epidural at whatsoever fourth dimension you are in pain in labor. Some women request an epidural almost immediately, while others choose to have it done later on. Medication from an epidural does not transfer to the baby. Acquire more than FAQs nearly epidurals for labor pain.

Tip:  Each adult female has different anatomy and experiences pain differently, so please be careful not to put pressure on yourself to make decisions about your labor based on others experiences. Women who requite nascence with an epidural take no less of a "natural birth" than someone who did not utilize hurting medication. Each birth is every bit as beautiful!

Special Circumstances & Preparing for Unexpected

What about giving birth to twins? How is labor different?

We recommend twins exist delivered in an operating room instead of the nascency room, fifty-fifty if delivered vaginally. While information technology may not feel as cozy as a birth room, an operating room allows for more room to see these babies safely. Your OB/GYN will counsel prenatally on the safest mode to come across your twins, as having ii babies at one fourth dimension comes with more risk than 1.

In the Usa, the primary Cesarean section (C-section) rate is simply over thirty%. At Madison Women's Health, the C-section rate for first-time moms is well under xx%.

What is the likelihood I will need a C-Section?

In the United States, the primary Cesarean section (C-section) charge per unit is just over 30%. At Madison Women'southward Health, the C-section rate for first-fourth dimension moms is well nether xx%.

In the U.s., the most common reason a woman delivers past C-section is that labor does not progress. In most cases, this is due to cephalopelvic asymmetry (when a baby does not fit). The second near common reason is because we see signs a baby is in distress in labor. The recommendation for C-section is made when the do good of meeting a babe by surgery outweighs the risks.

Tip: Our primary goal in caring for you is a healthy mom and a healthy baby and nosotros will explain our recommendations for that each step of the style. We also want you to accept a vaginal nascence! We only recommend C-sections if nosotros think the benefit is greater than the run a risk.

What is an episiotomy? Will I need ane?

An episiotomy is a rarely performed medical procedure that involves cutting the perineum to help the baby deliver. Historically, an episiotomy was thought to decrease severity of tearing with delivery.  We know through research that letting violent happen naturally is more benign to the mom.

Tip: Episiotomies are but performed in emergency situations, with your consent, when information technology volition help the baby deliver more quickly (a rare occurrence).

Will I tear? How is information technology treated?

Approximately ninety% of women accept a vaginal/perineal tear with delivery. Tears are graded equally 1st through 4th degree, with 1st as the least amount of tearing. We recommend suturing tears to assistance them heal appropriately. We do this with stitches that dissolve.

Tip: A new technique, called perineal massage, has been proven to decrease the amount of tearing with delivery.

What well-nigh the embarrassing things….similar pooping and pubic pilus?

Almost worry or feel embarrassed about these things, but nosotros don't even notice!

If you lot like to wax, I don't recommend this past the 37th week. Nosotros don't recommend shaving before delivery because it increases your risk of infection. Trust u.s., we are not paying attention to grooming!

Most women volition have a bowel movement in labor or with pushing. This is good! it means you are pushing correctly.

Tip: Trust us. Nosotros really don't care or remember!


How long does it accept to recover from giving birth?

Every woman is different in how she recovers, too. Postpartum is an awesome time, but likewise stressful! It is oft referred to as the 4th trimester. Your slumber schedule changes, your body changes, and your interpersonal relationships change. If yous choose to breastfeed, read up on our breastfeeding tips for new moms.

Vaginal Nascency:

Many moms are surprised to know there is still a recovery flow. Yous may accept cramping, tailbone pain, and pain as a tear heals. Sometimes sitting and walking are catchy! In that location are no truthful lifting restrictions after a vaginal delivery, merely I recommend avoiding heavy lifting for nigh two weeks, especially from the ground. This puts a lot of stress on your pelvic flooring as it heals. Helpful tips for going dwelling include sitting on soft surfaces, using a spray bottle subsequently yous void, using ice pads, taking ibuprofen and Tylenol, and keeping an area of all the things you will need virtually to care for you lot and baby in your home.


The recovery from a C-department is longer because it is a major surgery.  Look six weeks earlier lifting anything greater than 10-fifteen lbs. We will teach you how to care for your incision in the infirmary and will send yous home with pain medication.

Final Recommendations

What are your recommendations almost giving nativity at home?

Home births double your risk of complications, with two times the risk of perinatal bloodshed and 3 times the hazard of neonatal seizures. We, along with the American Academy of Pediatrics and ACOG, believe the hospital is the safest place to give birth. If you make up one's mind to give birth at dwelling, y'all should have a low-risk pregnancy, the assistance of a certified midwife, and be reasonably close to a hospital.

Tip:  Our first priorities are the health and safety of y'all and your baby. We will give you information and recommendations nearly safety and labor and so y'all can make informed decisions throughout the process.

Bring a listing of questions to your next OB visit!

Dr. Ashley Durward, MD of Madison Women's HealthDr. Ashley Durward has been providing healthcare to women in Madison since 2015 and joined Madison Women's Health in 2019, specializing in high and low risk obstetrics, contraception and preconception counseling, management of abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic floor disorders, and minimally invasive gynecologic surgery.


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